Joe Rogan and Cypress Hill: Does CBD Work?

Joe Rogan And B Real Discuss CBD

When Joe Rogan and Cypress Hill’s B-Real get together there’s a 100% chance that marijuana will be inhaled.

And that’s exactly what happened inside one of B-Real’s classic cars on an episode of BREALTV’s The Smokebox. (You can tell they’re smoking out of the Cypress Hill stash because B-Real looks as cool as the day your older brother first bumped “Insane In The Brain” while Rogan’s melting like a muscley candle.)

In addition loving the psychoactive benefits of the cannabis plant, the famous 420 figures also like CBD and its therapeutic benefits. “CBD’s legit,” said Rogan.

In this clip they chat about the benefits and misconceptions of CBD.

“When I started taking the CBD vitamin for the joints, said B-Real, “man, within a month I stopped feeling any of that inflammation.”


MORE: What Does Joe Rogan Say About CBD?

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